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[No.17]Sensing Motion on data in the wild

  • 2019年05月01日 20:36
  • 新IT卓越大讲堂
报告题目:Sensing Motion on data in the wild 主讲人:Hui Yu 时间:2019年5月6日11:00-11:40 地点:燕山校区1406 主办:纽约国际588888线路检测中心

IT卓越大讲堂 No.17 期

Sensing Motion on data in the wild

报告题目:Sensing Motion on data in the wild

主讲人:Hui Yu





Human related analysis has been an active research field for its wide applications. With the advancement in sensing system and computing technologies, many methods have been explored for human motion analysis in the wild, especially human action, facial and gaze analysis. Although the majority of this research has been conducted on 2D images, there are significantly increasing demands for static and dynamic 3D analysis due to the improved performance on capturing the various visual cues. In this talk we will address the recent techniques in 2D/3D sensing systems, recognition and virtual reality application development. And the challenges of this research field will also be addressed.


Hui Yu is Professor with the University of Portsmouth, UK. His research interests include vision, computer graphics and application of machine learning and AI to above areas, particularly in human machine interaction, image processing and recognition, Virtual and Augmented reality, 3D reconstruction, robotics and geometric processing of facial performances. He serves as an Associate Editor ofIEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systemsand theNeurocomputing journal.
