学院入选纽约国际588888线路检测中心“2017年度科研贡献奖(格力)”公示名单情况 |
拟获奖等级 |
姓名 |
论文、专著类 |
项目类 |
1 |
崔超然 |
1.Augmented Collaborative Filtering for Sparseness Reduction in Personalized POI Recommendation, 2017.09 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology(SCI检索1区) 2.Hybrid Textual-Visual Relevance Learning for Content-based Image Retrieval, 2017.10 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation(SCI检索2区) 3.Social Tag Relevance Learning via Ranking-Oriented Neighbour Voting,2017.03 Multimedia Tools and Applications(SCI检索2区) 4.Distribution-oriented Aesthetics Assessment for Image Search, 2017.08 Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(EI检索) |
1项国家自然科学基金立项; 1项山东省自然科学基金立项 |
2 |
袭肖明 |
1.Learning discriminative binary codes for finger vein recognition, 2017.06,Pattern Recognition (SCI检索1区) 2.Breast tumor segmentation with prior knowledge learning, 2017.05,Neurocomputing(SCI检索1区) 3.Robust texture analysis of multi-modal images using Local Structure Preserving Ranklet and multi-task learning for breast tumor diagnosis,2017.11,Nurocomputing(SCI检索1区) 4.基于最佳局部差值编码位的手指静脉识别,2017.09,模式识别与人工智能 |
1项国家自然科学基金立项;1项山东省自然科学基金立项 |
2 |
迟静 |
1.Interactive Facial Expression Editing Based on Spatio-temporal Coherency,2017.6,The Visual Computer (SCI检索2区) 2.A CT data Correction Method in Medical Image Reconstruction,CASA’17 computer Animation and Social Agent,2017.5 |
1项国家自然科学基金立项;1项国家自然科学基金结题 |
3 |
聂秀山 |
1.Comprehensive Feature-Based Robust Video Fingerprinting Using Tensor Model,2017.10,NEUROCOMPUTING(SCI检索1区) 2.Two-layer video fingerprinting strategy for near-duplicate video detection,2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops(EI检索) 3.UFvH: Unified Feature Video Hashing for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval 2017 Workshop(EI检索) 4.发明专利:基于整数规划的多尺度视频摘要方法 5.发明专利:基于多模式特征和张量分解的视频拷贝检测技术 |
3 |
刘兆广 |
1.Hybrid Non-parametric Particle Swarm Optimization and its Stability Analysis,2017.10, Expert Systems With Applications(SCI检索1区) 2.Research on image registration based on D-Nets,2017.05,2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition, IWPR 2017,(EI检索) |
1省自然科学基金面上立项 |
各院获奖统计情况 |
学院 |
项数 |
国际经贸学院 |
6 |
纽约国际588888线路检测中心 |
5 |
金融学院 |
5 |
管理科学与工程学院 |
4 |
经济学院 |
3 |
财政税务学院 |
3 |
数学与数量经济学院 |
2 |
文学与新闻传播学院 |
2 |
工商管理学院 |
2 |
公共管理学院 |
2 |
马克思主义学院 |
1 |
继续教育学院 |
1 |
统计学院 |
1 |
MBA学院 |
1 |
保险学院 |
1 |
会计学院 |
1 |