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  • 2018年09月17日 09:49
  • 教师寄语

















2007.9-至今, 纽约国际588888线路检测中心



1.巩志,男,2008级研究生,来自山东经济学院纽约国际588888线路检测中心。本科时参加齐鲁软件设计大赛,获得二等奖。Email: gongzhi118@163.com









1. 所指导研究生迄今已发表SCI论文3篇,EI期刊论文1篇,EI国际会议2篇,国内核心期刊论文2篇。

2. 指导研究生获2012年度山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖三等奖

3. 指导研究生获2013年山东省优秀硕士学位论文


1. 2008.1-2010.12,国家自然基金面上项目(10701070),参加。

2. 2006.3-2007.8,上海市博士后科研资助计划项目面上项目(A类),负责。

3. 2007.1-2009.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(30600121),负责。

4. 2007.12-2010.12,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(2007BS09002),负责。

5. 2009.12-2012.12,山东省自然科学基金青年基金(ZR2009GQ015),负责。

6. 2012.11-2013.11,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,指导教师。


1. 2010.07-2011.12,研发了船舶调度优化系统,FICO公司。

2. 2012.10-2012.11,济南城市公共客运管理服务中心093系统实时路况模块,浪潮集团。


1. 2012.12.12,纽约国际588888线路检测中心2012年“格力科研突出贡献奖”三等奖。

2. 2011.11.2,纽约国际588888线路检测中心首届优秀科研成果奖三等奖。

3. 2012.05,“德馨杯”纽约国际588888线路检测中心首届教职工师德征文比赛三等奖。


1. Fang-Zhen Li, Feng Gao. Protein-Protein Networks Construction and Their Relevance Measurement Based on Multi-Epitope-Ligand-Kartographie and Gene Ontology Data of T-cell Surface Proteins for Polymyositis. Protein and Peptide Letters, 2012.8, 19(8):859-866. (SCI收录)

2. Fang-Zhen Li, Feng Gao. Protein-protein relationship measurement based on relative entropy. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2012, 6(8): 1730-1735. (SCI收录)

3. Fangzhen Li, Kuanghu Hu, Wanfang Su, Shuyu Li, Nian Cai, Zhiying Huang, Yingxiong Hu. Automatic recognition of small cell carcinoma based on the self-organizing neural network. Bio-medical Materials and Engineering, 2004, 14: 175-184. (SCI收录)

4. Li Fang-Zhen, Jiang Li-Chun. A simplified tether model for molecular motor transporting cargo. Chinese Physics B, 2010.2, 19 (2): 020503. (SCI收录)

5. Li Fang-Zhen, Hu Kuang-Hu, Su Wan-Fang, Chen Yi-Chen. Symmetric linear potential and imperfect Brownian ratchet in molecular motor function. Chinese Physics, 2005, 14(9): 1745-1754. (SCI收录)

6. Zhi Gong,Fangzhen Li, Liuhuan Dong, Performance assessment of protein multiple sequence alignment algorithms based on permutation similarity measurement. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010.9, 399(4)): 470–474. (SCI收录)

7. Dong Hui,Li Fang-zhenand Liang Zuo-tang, Energy dependence of the single spin asymmetries in inclusive pion production processes. Physical Review D. 2004, 69: 017501. (SCI收录)

8. Fangzhen LI, Feng Gao, Nian Cai. A New Algorithm for Removing Salt and Pepper Noise from Images. Journal of Information & Computational Science, 2011.12, 8(16): 3819-3825.(EI收录)

9. Yi-Chen Chen, Kuang-Hu Hu,Fang-Zhen Li, Wan-Fang Su, Bao-Lin Zhang. Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantitative analysis of the brain stem nuclei based on fast centroid auto-registration. Bio-medical Materials and Engineering, 2006, 16(1): 67-75. (SCI收录)

10. Yi-Chen Chen, Kuang-Hu Hu,Fang-Zhen Li, Shu-Yu Li, Wan-Fang Su, Zhi-Ying Huang, Ying-Xiong Hu. Studies on quantitative analysis and automatic recognition of cell types of lung cancer. Bio-medical Materials and Engineering, 2006, 16(2): 119-128. (SCI收录)

11.蔡念,胡匡祜,陶伟,苏万芳,李防震,胡应雄.基于图像信息处理的蒜核仁内DNA的原位排布及其结构模型的研究.生物化学与生物物理进展, 2004, 31 (5): 432-437. (SCI收录)

12. Fangzhen Li, The impulse force model for molecular motors, Scientific Research Monthly,8(2008.9):1-6

13.Fang-Zhen Li, Zhi Gong, Xiao-Hong Shen, Nian Cai. A Fast Algorithm of Image Layer-Presentation. Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), March, 2009,Los Angeles, USA, pp.152-157.(EI收录)

14. Fang-Zhen Li, Xiao-Hong Shen, Zhi Gong, Nian Cai. Protein-protein relationship measurement based on MELK data for Polymyositis. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009), June 11-13, 2009, Beijing, China. pp. 1-5. (EI收录)

15. Fangzhen Li, Fei Yang, Xuefen Zhang, An Optimal Power Allocation Algorithm in Distributed Sensor Networks. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2010),16-18 April, 2010,Chengdu, China, pp.414-418. (EI收录)

16. Fangzhen Li, Xuefen Zhang, Distributed estimation in clustered wireless sensor networks. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 187: 185-189. (EI收录)

17. Xuefen Zhang,Fangzhen Li, Cluster-to-cluster relay schemes in wireless sensor network. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 179-180: 728-733. (EI收录)

18. Xuefen Zhang,Fangzhen Li, Fei Yang, Distributed LMMSE Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2010 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA 2010),13-14 March 2010,Changsha, China,pp.26-29. (EI收录)

19. Xiaohong Shen,Fangzhen Li,The Application of Agent-based Information Push Technology in Mobile Learning. International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (ITCS 2009), 25-26 July 2009, Kiev, Ukraine, pp. 192-195. (EI 收录)

20. Ji-Xiang Wei,Fang-Zhen Li, Sheng-Yuan Wang, Liu-Huan Dong, An improvement based on feature selection in enzyme identification. The Fourth International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB2010), Sep. 9-11, 2010, Suzhou, China, pp.258-265. (ISTP收录)

21. Xuefen Zhang, Changchuan Yin,Fangzhen Li, Jie Ding, A selected-relay scheme in wireless sensor network. ICIC Express Letters, 2011, 5(1): 147-153. (EI收录)

22. Xiaohong Shen, Yulin Zhang,Fangzhen Li,An Improved Two-Dimensional Entropic Thresholding Method Based on Ant Colony Genetic Algorithm. Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS 2009), 19-21 May 2009, Xiamen, China, pp 163-167. (EI,ISTP 收录)

23. Xiaohong Shen, Yulin Zhang,Fangzhen Li,A Hybrid Method of GA and ACO for 2-D Entropic Automatic Thresholding of Digital Images. International Workshop on intelligent Systems and Applications (ISA 2009), 23-24 May 2009, Wuhan, China, pp 1-4. (EI收录)

24. Nian Cai, Shaorui Xu, Xiaoyan Tang,Fangzhen Li. Topological Proteomics Image Segmentation Based on a Genetic Algorithm. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2008), 2008.5, Shanghai, China, pp.2511-2513. (EI收录)

25. Nian Cai, Wenzhao Liang, Shaoqiu Xu,Fangzhen Li, Traffic Sign Recognition Based on SIFT Features. Advanced Materials Research, 2010.6, 121-122: 596-599. (EI收录)

26. Nian Cai, Haiyuan Zhang, Nan Zhang,Fangzhen Li. Contourlet-based Error-amended Sharp Edge Scheme for Image Zooming. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 2011, 7003 (2): 418-425 (EI收录)

27. Nian Cai, Feng Jin, Qing Pan, Shao-qiu Xu, andFangzhen Li. Image Restoration Based on an AdaBoost Algorithm. ICCIP 2012, Part I, Communications in Computer and Information Science 288, pp. 294–301, 2012.(EI收录)

28. 蔡念,胡匡祜,李防震,苏万芳.基于小波神经网络的图像去噪算法.生物物理学报, 2005, 21(1): 78-82.

29. 李防震,胡匡祜,苏万芳,陈祎辰,一种图像分层表述的快速算法,生物物理学报, 2008.2, 24(1): 72-76.

30. 李防震,胡匡祜,非刚性运动分析方法的现状与展望,中国图象图形学报, 2005,10 (1): 11-17.

31. 李防震,苏万芳,胡匡祜,一种生物分子马达的冲激力模型.生物物理学报, 2009.4, 25(2): 133-140.(核心期刊)

32. 蔡念,唐孝艳,许少睿,李防震,基于分水岭算法的MELK图像分割.计算机应用研究, 2009.8, 26(8)(): 3175-3176, 3191.

33. 李军,杨家亮,李防震,胡匡祜,董骝焕, Stefan Grunewal,一类蛋白质相互作用网络比对的线性规划算法.生物物理学报, 2010.1, 26 (1): 73-79.

34. 高峰, 李防震,王珺,董骝焕,基于置换距离度量的蛋白质多序列比对算法性能评估.中山大学学报, 2011.3, 50(2): 87-92.

35. 朱效丽,李防震,基于TSPL的图像椒盐噪声去除新算法,现代电子技术,2013.07,36(14), 96-99.
